I hope you have a splendiferous day!
Like the most super a day could be...
That's how awesome I hope your day is.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Remember last year?

Remember when you had just turned 20? Ahh...those were the days...

I Just Made This For You!

Well hello there!
I made you this website as a birthday present, because it is your 21st birthday. Even though I wasn't there to share it with you, we will share tons of birthdays together in the future! Have fun but don't go crazy...cuz...ya know....the big 21!


So feel free to visit this site anytime, now that you've earned the rights to it by turning twenty-one. I may update it at times...not sure.

Ooh, and feel free to have fun with my fishies up there! You can feed them too!

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